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Product Catalogue

Adenovirus Antigen BM 6064

Product Details
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BM 6064
SHELF LIFE 10 years from date of manufacture
SOURCE Adenovirus Type 2 (Strain Adenoid 6)
Hep-2 cell culture
PRESENTATION Harvested infected cells are treated to remove cellular components and ultracentrifuged to remove whole virus particles. Pure hexon antigen is obtained from the resulting supernatant by ion exchange chromatography and the antigen presented in 30mM BIS Tris Propane buffer, at pH 6.8 containing sodium chloride.
INACTIVATION Whole infective virus particles removed by ultracentrifugation and chromatography. Confirmation by attempted growth under original culture conditions.
PROTEIN CONCENTRATION mg/ml by absorption at 280nm
STORAGE Frozen (-70ºC). Sonicate before use. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing
Adenovirus Antigen BM 6064
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